Laboratory scales and accessories

Below a selection of weighing equipment and accessories in random order, for use in the laboratory. Would you like an overview that is pre-sorted by type or application? Then click on a link below:

precision balances, analytical balances, moisture analyzers.

Products: 13
  1. Precisiebalans DK Plateau 108x105mm 212x159
    Precision Balance DK / DK-C-M Series DK / DK-C-M includes balances that are equipped with an Ultra Block weighing sensor, with f...
  2. IPB precisiebalans 212x159
    CE-verifiedStainless steel / rustproofProtection class
    Precision Balance IPB Precision balance IPB is a multifunctional high capacity precision balance suitable for use both in...
  3. Analytische Balans NL 212x159
    Analytical balance NL Competitively priced, highly accurate analytical balance. Features automatic internal calibration an...
  4. Vochtbepalingsbalans VPB 10 212x159 Moisture analyzer VPB-10 Moisture analyzer with halogen heating, with an excellent price / quality ratio. Choice of 4 program...
  5. CH5 Dot Matrix Printer 212x159 Dot-matrix ticketprinter CH-5 Dot-matrix ticketprinter CH-5 was designed for connection to precision balances, series DS and...
  6. CH3 Thermische Bonprinter 212x159 Thermal Ticketprinter CH3 Thermal ticketprinter CH3 i.a. printing device information, sample code, date/time, drying tempe...
  7. Precisiebalans PBL 212x159 Precision Balance PBL Precision balance PBL has a very fast response, high stability and reliability, high weighing capa...
  8. Offer Precisiebalans PB-II 212x159
    Power: battery and 230v adapter
    Precision balance PB-II Precision balance PB-II is a simple and very affordable precision balance, equipped with a clearly...
  9. Aluminium Monsterschaaltjes 212x159 Aluminium Sample Pans and Glass Fiber Pads Available per standard package. See further under Product information. ...
  10. Antivibration table Very stable table that serves as the basis for delicate precision and analytical balances. Absorbs a...
  11. Temperatuurkalibratie Kit 212x159 Temperature Calibration Kit Temperature calibration kit for the correction of temperature settings of moisture analyzing balance...
  12. Sterion II Statische Elektriciteitsneutralisator 212x159 Static electricity ionizer STERION-II Static neutralizer STERION-II removes static charge in a wider area of the precision balance. Can be...
  13. Speciale Weegoplossingen 212x159 More Special Weighing Solutions On this page you’ll find some images of special weighing solutions we have delivered as custom...