FW-DM Firmware Multi Component Dosing

FM-DM Firmware Multi Component Dosing
FM-DM Firmware Multi Component Dosing

Special dosage firmware for automatic dosage and merging of multiple components. Completely programmable ticketprint layouts.

This firmware applies to our weight indicators of the types HP(R)-Ultra, VPI-U, HPR-TouchHP-Touch and VPI-U-Advanced.

See further under Product Information.

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FW-DM Firmware Multi Component Dosing

Special dosage firmware for automatic dosing and merging of multiple components. Completely programmable ticketprint layouts.

Main properties multi component dosing

  • for automatic multiple components dosage
  • check of the tare presence at dosage start; the tare values are programmable for each recipe
  • programmable number of repetitions of the dosage cycle; registration of the consumption
  • programmable database of 500 formulas with 16 characters description each, target, flight weight and tolerance; speed
  • change (approximate and fine), minimum and maximum tare
  • dual dosage speed (approximate and fine), managed through output active in constant mode or with bleeding function, with programmable ON/OFF time
  • quick modification of target weight by preset key
  • dosage Start / Pause from keyboard or through activation of the inputs
  • automatic printing of the dosage data
  • automatic recalculation of the formula targets, by entering the total weight to be dosed
  • storage and printing of the consumptions: consumption of each formula, recipe consumption, dosed general total; printouts quickly recallable from keyboard
  • automatic correction of the flight weight, with programmable incidence degree
  • tolerance test on the dosed weight, with guided correction through simple messages on the display
  • (optional) analog output proportional to the weight or to the dosage speed
  • control of the maximum dosage time and alarm management
  • alarm indication in display
  • management of the dosage on various scales (up to 4 independent), with automatic scale change during the dosage
  • completely programmable printouts, for compatibility with any ASCII printer manageable through the serial port; printing of the dosage data, the recipe, consumption and totals’ data