What does "alibi memory" mean?
The alibi memory stores essential weighing data into the memory f.t.b.o. the fiscal administration, like weight, date and time of the weighings. Through this normally each weighing is traceable afterwards.
The data of a desired period can be transmitted to a PC or printer, if connected. The period length depends from the memory capacity and the number of weighings carried out. Usually data of over 100.000 weighings can be stored.
Alibi memory is available only with some (more advanced) indicators / scales (usually optionally)
What does "dual range" or "triple range" mean?
The term “dual range” means that reading (division) is divided into 2 (automatically switching) sub-ranges. In the first (lower) part of the capacity range a more accurate reading is possible than in the second (higher) part.
Example of dual range:
Capacity 3000 g, division 0,1 g / 0,2 g:
up to 1500 g readable per 0,1 g; above 1500 g readable per 0,2 g.The weighing ranges can be equally, but also unevenly divided.
The denotation of “multi range” is usually applicable to 3 or more sub-ranges, but sometimes it is also used when only 2 sub-ranges are effective.“Triple range” operates according to the same principle, but then the capacity range is divided into 3 sub-ranges.
What does "CE verified" (approved) mean?
Verified weighing equipment has undergone an examination and meets the requirements of the Metrology Act.
As soon as a product’s price depends of it’s weight, the scale has to be CE verified. In that case the scale has been provided of an approval symbol, per example
, where the 2-digit number stands for the year of verification.
What does "not for legal trade" mean?
The expression “not for legal trade” means that it is not alowed to use the involved scale for setting a product’s price if the price is related to the product’s weight.
So the involved scale may be used only for checking purposes.As soon as a product’s price depends of it’s weight, the scale has to be CE verified. In that case the scale has been provided of an approval symbol, per example
, where the 2-digit number stands for the year of verification. Unless mentioned otherwise a “not for legal trade”-scale cannot be verified at a later time after delivery. We do provide a calibration certificate, on application (a.o. for ISO-certified companies).
What does "approval prepared" mean?
An “approval prepared” scale can be approved / verified before delivery, but also afterwards. If a scale is produced and characterized as “not for legal trade”, it cannot be legally approved later (without replacing parts and adjustments).
What is a GLP-report?
By a GLP-report (Good Laboratory Practice) it is possible to check afterwards whether the scale, on which the object has been weighed, functions properly.
The GLP-report indicates the following data:
– date of last calibration
– point in time of last calibration
– the scale’s factory number
– version number of the scale’s software
– weight of the calibration mass
– difference between calibration mass and weigh result
– space for operator’s signatureExample:
What does "hold function" mean?
The term “hold function” means that the weight indication, after operating the function, remains fixed in the display even when the object has been removed from the platform.
After pushing the hold button the display is set to zero again. -
Declaration of IP-codes
IP stands for International Protection. The IP-codes have been registered in the IEC-standards by the International Electrotechnical Commission in Genève. They are applicated internationally and inform about and represent the device’s protection against dust and water.
The following IP-codes are some of the mostly used IP-codes applicable to our products:IP-code Class IP52 Protection against harmful deposits of dust;
protection against drops of liquid.; tilted to 15° from verticalIP54 Protection against dust, limited ingress;
protection against water, sprayed from all directions, limited ingressIP64 Protection against penetration of dust;
protection against splashing from any directionIP65 Protection against penetration of dust;
protection against water jets from any directionIP66 Protection against penetration of dust;
protection against water from heavy rain / downpour will not enterIP67 Protection against penetration of dust;
protection against immersion in water. Water will not enter under stated conditions during 30 minutes.IP68 Protection against penetration of dust;
protection against indefinite immersion in water -
What does "calibration" mean?
Calibrating or verfying (approving) a scale, two concepts that are often confused. Calibration of electronic scales is made semi-automatically (by an external calibration weight), or fully automatically (using an internal calibration weight), depending on the structure of the balance. Calibration can be done with any scale, whether verified (approved) or not.
Verifying (approving) a scale is more than just calibrate alone; it is only possible with scales which comply to the Dutch ijkwet (Metrology Law).
Hereby, specific practices of scales are regulated according to European rules, like the maximal weight deviation. The scale must be supplied with an approval marking and access to the electronics (or the mechanics of an older mechanical scale) has to be sealed. The seal may only be broken and replaced by authorized and qualified personnel. -
What is a LED-display?
A LED-display is a little screen on which information is indicated by means of “Light Emitting Diodes”.
De relatively vivid light radiation of the LED’s give a clear and brightly visible indication, also in the dark. Scales supplied with LED display rarely operate on battery power, as the batteries would get exhausted too soon by the relatively high power consumption of the LED’s. -
What is an LCD-display?
An LCD-display is a little screen on which information is indicated by means of a “Liquid Crystal Display”, with a clear but in twilight less visible indication. That’s why most of the LCD displays are supplied with “backlight”, making them brightly visible in the dark too. Scales supplied with LCD display have little power consumption and so they are suitable for battery powered operation.
What does tare / automatic tare mean?
Standard tareEvery modern electronic scale has a tare function.
After putting an empty container or package on the scale the display can be set to zero by means of the tare function. So weighing of the packaging can be excluded by using the tare function.
If then the object is added to the packaging on the scale the nett weight is indicated in the display.By keeping on using tare for each product which is added one can simply weigh several components separately (f.i. liquids, granules or powders) and join together. By repushing the tare key after every addition the display is reset to zero every time, so the weight of only the last added product is indicated in the display.
When the composition has finished all is to be taken from the scale.
Then the display indicates a negative value, this is the total weight of all components together, included eventual packaging or container (gross weight). The negative indication can be reset to zero then and the procedure can be repeated.Usually tare limit is equal to the scale’s total capacity. However tare reduces the scale’s capacity. For example if a scale has a capacity of 30 kg and a 6 kg tare is set, maximal 24 kg can be added for weihging.
Automatic tareScales, supplied with a weight indicator with extended functions, like the model ISC-XS, have an automatic tare function in addition. In this case a product placed on the weighing platform is directly processed as tare, so the display immediately returns to zero (without needing to press the tare button).
This is very useful for the packaging of products, if an empty package, box or crate is repeatedly placed on the platform first. The packaging will be immediately disregarded, without any additional action; then the product is added, and the net weight can directly be read on the display.
The automatic tare-function can be activated or disabled on demand. -
Difference between counting scales and scales with counting function
A counting scale has three display windows (indicating number, piece weight and en total weight) and a random reference number can be inserted by means of the numeric keys.
A regular scale with simple counting function has one (often larger) display window, in which the number of articles or the total weight is indicated, depending from the selected mode. With these kind of scales it is possible to determine the reference weight only by selection out of fixed preset values, for example 10, 20, 50 or 100 pieces, because of a lack of numeric keys.
See also page Info about Counting Function
What does Ex / ATEX mean?
Optionally, certain scales can be carried out explosion safe. The power of these scales is provided by batteries.
The EX version of the scales is in accordance with ATEX 95 and standard BS EN 50020: 2002 and is valid for Zone I and II for an environment being longlasting or frequently explosive by the continuous presence of mixtures of air and gases, vapors or mists or by air / dust mixtures (classified as group II and temperature classes T1, T2, T3 and T4).
What are the maximum tolerances on CE certified test weights?
See page Table Maximum Permitted Tolerances of Test Weights for this.